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Patriots Take on Washington, DC and New York

By Brianna Reaves

Pinecrest High School will be making a trip to Washington, DC and New York on  June 11-18, 2017.


The program coordinators are Ms. Samkin and Mr. Giggey.

During the DC portion of the trip, students will be debating and discussing current issues with students from all over the country.


They will be able to visit all the famous monuments and memorials, such as the Lincoln Memorial. They will also meet with congressional representatives.

“They get to see Congress in session. Instead of just reading about history, they actually see it, and I think that it will be a bigger impact on them,” said Samkin

Then in New York, the students will be able to visit the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, and the financial district.         


In order to go, students will need to turn in a permission slip within the next couple of weeks.


There will only be twenty students that are able to go on the trip. The total cost is $2,420; four hundred of the total amount is due by February 1, 2017.

There will be fundraisers going on to be able to help pay for the trip. The first fundraiser is going to be selling flag pins on Election Day.


“They will have an opportunity to see Washington and it will help them have a better understanding of history,” said Giggey.

If you are interested in the trip, stop and see Mr. Giggey to receive the flier pictured on the right. 

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