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Paper Is Going Paperless

By Megan Petero


For returning students who are familiar with The Patriot, you will remember a few staff members walking around during lunch handing out paper copies of the newspaper to anyone who wanted them.  


However, that is no longer the case. We are not cancelling the paper, we are simply modernizing it. We are making the entire process more efficient, from the editing process to the level of accessibility, The Patriot is back and better than ever.

Check this website as often as you want, and nearly every time you visit, there will be new material to read or new photos to click through.

The content and standards of the paper will stay the same, everything will still be relevant to Pinecrest, and you will still see familiar faces when looking at The Patriot, but now it is online!


Besides time efficiency and level of accessibility, going this route is also more cost effective. Converting The Patriot into an online newspaper was a no-brainer.

Our goal for this year is to increase student, parent, and teacher interest in the newspaper. If you have any suggestions for the paper, let us know. Go to the “Contact Us” page on the website and submit a comment.

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