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Administrators' Time to Shine 

By Katie Blevins

October is National Administration Month.


This gives students an opportunity to thank the administrators for all they do for us and our school.


Our administration team consists of Principal Mr. Christina and Assistant Principals Mrs. Burton, Mrs. Philips, Mr. Peek, Mrs. Trogdon-Stout, and Mr. Hanson.

Assistant Principal Mr. Hanson said that he loves Pinecrest because “of the students, the academic achievements and the great staff.”


And, “nothing would be worth anything if it wasn’t for the students.”

“I became an administrator because I had a really great administrator at North Moore High School that I wanted to be like,” said Assistant Principal Mrs. Philips. “I love Pinecrest because of the energy and the kids. Everything about this school is great.”

While any assistant principal would help you if you needed it, each student has a specific assistant principal that is assigned to them by last name. Hanson has letters A-C. Burton is in charge of letters D-I, Philips has letters J-McH, Peek has letters McI-Sa, Trogdon-Stout has letters  Sb-Z.

The administration team does everything they can to help the students and help make the school a better place.

Principal Mr. Christina with Assistant Principals Mrs. Burton, Mrs. Philips, Mr. Peek, Mrs. Trogdon-Stout, Mr. Hanson in the front office. Photo contributed by Mrs. Patterson.

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