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Digital Photography Club Kicks Off the Year

By Brianna Reaves

Four weeks ago, Photography Club began.  In the club, students don’t have limits to what they can capture in their photos.


Every week they have an overall topic that they take their pictures of for that assignment.  

For many of the students, this club helps them express themselves in many different ways.


“Photography club helps students express themselves because when you take a picture you capture a moment of time, and you record a moment in history,” said sophomore Parker Mecimore.

When students take high quality pictures it encourages other students to improve their own photography.


“Self expression is always evident when a student creates a body of work, especially if the work has a consistent theme.  Many students are not confident with drawing or mark-making.  Photography allows them to build their creativity in a medium that they feel comfortable using while developing an eye for a strong composition,” said Ms. Wilson, the club sponsor.


Wilson hopes that the club helps the students build on their photography skill level and portfolios.

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