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A Day in the Life of Yearbook Editor Senior Alicia Williams 

By Madelaine Bradley

On a normal school day, Alicia Williams, the copy editor of Pinecrest’s yearbook, works on the yearbook during her third period which starts at 12 and goes to 2:05. Copy editors are responsible for editing all the writing that is done throughout the yearbook.


Williams joined the  yearbook staff her sophomore year to meet other students. While conducting interviews, she got to know more people around the school. She has continued on the yearbook staff because she is considering journalism as a possible major in college for her. Yearbook is all year for the editors, which mostly consist of seniors and yearbook has two classes for students, one in the fall semester and one in the spring semester. Main editors meet during the summer to plan the yearbook for the coming year. The editors go over different ideas for theme and then the planning for the yearbook begins. From the layout to the quotes, the editors plan what goes into the yearbook.


“Everyday in the yearbook room is different. There's always something happening around school that we're rushing to get pictures of, or some new story that we have to consider adding as a page. Early years on the staff are a little easier since you only have to focus on your own deadline, but editors have a lot more to be concerned with,” said Williams. “We are essentially running a business with tons of money involved, and it can definitely be stressful trying to make one book that an entire school of 2,400 students will enjoy.”


Yearbook doesn’t affect much of William's life outside of class. Unless she is behind on work, all editing is done in class in a timely manner.


“My favorite part of being on the yearbook staff is probably getting the opportunity to expand on my writing skills,” said Williams. Besides working on reading over pages, Williams is in charge of designing and editing the student life pages this year.

Senior Alicia Williams working on the yearbook during third period on November 17, 2017.

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