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Styling Into The New Year

By Rachel Rodgers

Going back to school means buying supplies and getting ready to see your friends and teachers. Another important decision for students about back to school is how they dress for the up and coming school year.


Styles change from summer to fall for this month. A different variation of shoes include the most popular types which are Birkenstocks, Jack Rogers, Sperrys, and Nikes. Since it’s still hot out shorts, are still in style, as well as tank tops or a tee shirt paired with some shorts.


As for fall looks there have been different styles of Anorak jackets, boots, Converse and Vans, different assortment of sweaters and jeans and the popular Piko tops and dresses. Male fall styles include Sperrys, khakis and different assortment of sweaters and shirts.


There have been several different looks for this year and there will be many more to come.


“My favorite back to school style has just been a comfortable look which includes jeans and some layers such as a long sleeve or just a top with a light jacket,”  said senior Sasha Smith.

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